IN THE NEWS collects and collates but a small sampling of news stories that speak to the themes and topics of interest to Building at Risk. To facilitate research and curate bibliographies, they are gathered thematically according to the Tags listed below. So much of the information collected in these news stories is the work of front line reporters who are tasked with communicating information on difficult topics and dangerous circumstances that industry and design presses typically choose not to cover.
In the News: Home | Forced Labor | Building Failures | Material Toxicity | Fossil Fuels | Data Delirium | Climate Change | Grenfell Tower | Champlain Towers South
Forever chemicals
“Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ contaminate indoor air at worrying levels, study finds”
The Guardian
By Tom Perkins
Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo From The Guardian:
Toxic PFAS
“Report: Toxic PFAS Are Used in a Variety of Building Materials”
Retrofit Magazine
Retrofit Magazine Editor