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Dr. Domenic Vitiello

Associate Professor of City & Regional Planning Weitzman School of Design University of Pennsylvania

Domenic Vitiello is a professor of city planning and urban studies at the University of Pennsylvania. For the past two decades, he has worked with and studied numerous migrant and immigrant communities in U.S. cities, and now in southern Italy, supporting the work of migrant civil society. He has helped lead the boards of organizations in Philadelphia’s African and Mexican communities; aided the expansion of immigrant workers' rights organizing in the region; assisted refugee resettlement agencies in growing their capacity to support housing and employment; helped the City of Philadelphia expand language access and its office of immigrant affairs; collaborated with home associations of Mexican and African migrants in transnational community development; and currently works with the migrant city council of Palermo, Italy, in support of migrant associations’ local and transnational work. Domenic has authored books and articles on migrant civil society, sanctuary cities, and the relationships between immigration and urban revitalization, including the forthcoming book The Sanctuary City. He has served on the International Steering Committee of Metropolis, one of the world's leading promoters of immigrant integration policy. At Penn, he is an affiliate of the Center for the Study of Ethnicity, Race, and Immigration. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on global migration and development, immigrant communities in the U.S., and community food systems and urban agriculture, the other main area of his research and practice.